
Sono febbraio, un po’ pazzerello,
vado in giro con la neve,
la pioggia e l’ombrello.

Son piccino e intrigante,
porto gioia a tanta gente.

Per le strade, che allegria!
Ballo insieme ai miei fratelli,
che si sentono più belli,
tutti allegri e un po’ ribelli.

Ma io resto il più piccino,
sempre allegro e birichino.

E nessuno è mio uguale,
perché porto il Carnevale!

Zaira Sellerio


I am February, a little crazy,
I walk around in the snow,
the rain and the umbrella.

I am small and intriguing,
I bring joy to so many people.

In the streets, what joy!
I dance with my brothers,
who feel more beautiful,
All cheerful and a little rebellious.

But I remain the smallest,
always cheerful and mischievous.

And no one is my equal,
because I bring the Carnival

Zaira Sellerio

Carnival Image by Couleur from Pixabay
Carnival Image by Couleur from Pixabay


Zaira Sellerio’s poem Febbraio (February) is a short composition that manages to convey, with simplicity and lightness, the essence of this very special month. The playful and lively tone perfectly reflects the unpredictable character of February, between rain, snow and the festive atmosphere of Carnival.

The flowing rhythm and well-structured rhymes make for pleasant, almost musical reading. The author personifies the month as a naughty little protagonist who brings joy and merriment, dancing in the streets and infecting everyone with his festive spirit. The inclusion of Carnival as a distinctive element of February lends an even more colourful and engaging touch to the poem.

Overall, February is a fresh and light-hearted poem, suitable for both children and adults who want to rediscover the more playful side of this month. A reading that will bring a smile to your face and invite you to be carried away by the magic of Carnival.

History and traditions of the Swiss Carnival

Come un soffio di primavera – Like a breath of spring

Some recognitions for her works

  • National Poetry Award “Arturo Massimi” in October 1999 in Mentana – Rome.
  • Plaque for the Narrative Award at the International Competition “Pelosa” in Messina, November 2000.
  • Poetry Plaque in October 2000 awarded by the Province of Rome.
  • International Competition “Antonio de Curtis” in Rome.
  • Poets and Society Award, Swiss German Delegation (international competition, honorable mention).
  • Unpublished Poetry Award, 5th Edition of the “Premio/l’attualità – Bartolucci”, finalist diploma, October 27, 2001.
  • International Artistic-Literary Competition, Antonio de Curtis “Totò”, Rome, October 22, 2002.
  • ALIAS (Academy of Italian-Australian Literature and Writers, in collaboration with C.R.A.S.E.S. in Palermo).
  • International Literary Competition, 3rd Prize ex aequo for Poetry, October 10, 2003.
  • First Poetry Prize at the Gallery “Il Salotto dell’Arte”, Rome, March 22, 2009.
  • “Premio Una Vita per la Cultura”Galleria Salotto dell’Arte, Rome.
  • 2014 – IV International Literary Award Europe for the novel (Dal Profondo del Cuore) – May 11, 2014, Lugano.
  • II Navarro Prize for the novel (Dal Profondo del Cuore), May 13, 2018, in Sambuca di Sicilia, Sicily.
  • Special Award “Lilly Broggi – La Pergola Arte” for the novel (Dal Profondo del Cuore), Florence, October 27, 2018.
  • V Prize for the novel (Dal Profondo del Cuore) at Versilia Club’s “Massa Città Fiabesca di Mare e di Marmo”, September 28, 2019.
  • 1st International Prize dedicated to the feminine universe “Donne d’Amore” V. Barrett, Poetry Section (Sui Gradini di Piazza di Spagna).
  • 1st Prize for the Literature – Novel category for the work (Il Coraggio è Femmina), Rome, May 22, 2023.
  • Poetry Award “Ai Tuoi Piedi” in the city of Mercogliano (AV) for the poem (E là incontrai mia Madre), September 8, 2024.