finanzierungsrechnung, État financier, rendiconto finanziario - Switzerland 2020

Download the Swiss Confederation’s Annual Report 2020 here

A comprehensive overview of the Swiss public accounts can be found in three languages here and in electronic form on the website of the Federal Finance Administration

Since March 25, 2021, the Swiss Confederation’s Annual Accounts 2020 have been available in electronic form on the website of the Federal Finance Administration (FFA).
The figures can also be viewed in the Federal Finance Data Center.

Rechnungsergebnis 2020
Résultats du compte 2020
Risultato del consuntivo 2020

The printed version will be published on April 15, 2021. The activity report of the Federal Treasury is published together with the final financial statements.
On February 17, 2021, the Federal Council informed the public about the provisional result of the financial statements.
On March 19, 2021, it adopted the dispatch containing the unchanged and final figures and submitted it to Parliament.

finanzierungsrechnung - Schweiz 2020
finanzierungsrechnung – Schweiz 2020
État financier - Suisse 2020
État financier – Suisse 2020
rendiconto finanziario - Svizzera 2020
rendiconto finanziario – Svizzera 2020










Il franco svizzero è una delle monete più stabili del pianeta
The Swiss franc is one of the most stable currencies on the planet

Summary of Switzerland’s Annual Accounts 2020

The 2020 Annual Report provides detailed information on the financial situation of the public accounts.
Volume 1: Report on the 2020 financial statements;
Volume 2: Accounts of the administrative units;
– Volume 2A: Part I (authorities and courts, FDFA, FDJP, DDPS);
– Volume 2B: Part II (FDF, EAER, DETEC).
FFA website:
– overview of federal finances;
– data center;
– time series (excel);
– indicators of federal own expenditure.
Additional publications:
– 2020 activity report of the Federal Treasury.

Il celeberrimo Palazzo Federale di Berna
The famous Federal Palace in Bern