Panini recanti la bandiera svizzera su uno stuzzicadente

COVID, Switzerland updates regulations on itinerant trade

In future it will be possible for circus installations and marquees to be inspected and to obtain the relevant safety certificates from the OCAmb in good time

On April 21, 2021 the Federal Council extended the temporary amendment of the Ordinance on Itinerant Trade (OCAmb) indefinitely.
This is to the advantage of the itinerant trade: also in the future it will be possible to inspect the installations of carnival and circus tents and obtain the corresponding safety certificates in good time on the basis of the OCAmb.
Circus performers and impresarios are particularly hard hit economically by the coronavirus crisis and the measures taken by authorities at home and abroad.
The amendment of the ordinance allows them to continue to use a larger number of recognized or accredited inspection bodies that can issue safety certificates, while at the same time reducing delays in inspections.
It is very likely that as soon as the epidemiological situation allows them to resume their activities, a large number of circus operators and impresarios will turn to the inspection bodies at the same time.

Piccole terrazze esterne di un ristorante di città
Small outdoor terraces of a city restaurant

Validity of safety certificates to be extended

The period of validity of safety certificates issued in accordance with Swiss law prior to May 11, 2020 (entry into force of the amendment to the OCAmbudsman Ordinance of May 8, 2020) is automatically extended by six months.
With the indefinite extension of the amendment to the ordinance, this rule now also applies beyond May 10, 2021.

Verordnung über das Gewerbe der Reisenden (RGV)
Ordonnance sur le commerce itinérant (OCI)
Ordinanza sul commercio ambulante (OCAmb)

It should be noted that the period of validity of safety attestations is not being extended a second time; instead, the initially time-limited date in the OCAmb amendment is being eliminated.
For example, under the initially time-limited provision, a safety attestation valid through the end of March 2021 would have been extended only through May 10, 2021 (thus only by about a month and a half); however, with the OCAmb amendment adopted by the Federal Council on April 21, this safety attestation now remains valid through the end of September 2021 (thus for an additional six months).

L'ingresso di un tendone da circo
The entrance of a circus tent

Automatic recognition of foreign inspection bodies

Foreign inspection bodies that have a valid accreditation for the area concerned (for temporary structures and facilities used during events and in amusement parks or for marquees) are automatically recognized.
Accreditation can be granted by the German (DAkkS), French (Cofrac), Austrian (AA) or Italian (Accredia) accreditation bodies. Currently there is no longer any accredited inspection body in Switzerland in this area.
The temporary amendment to the OCAmb had been adopted by the Federal Council on May 8, 2020 and was put into effect from May 11, 2020 to May 10, 2021 (see RO 2020 1509).


Un variopinto tendone da circo
A colorful circus tent