Conference “Italophonie and the role of public service media”

Analysis of the situation of Italian in the context of Swiss plurilingualism considering: the demographic and sociolinguistic aspect, the role of Italian as an official language, its position in teaching and its presence in the cultural sphere, with a chapter that also deals with the role and position of Italian in its media fruition on which Matteo Casoni (OLSI), Sabine Christopher (OLSI), Andrea Plata (SUPSI-DFA) and Maria Chiara Moskopf-Janner (PHGR) worked.

Crasi fra le bandiere della Confederazione Svizzera e della Repubblica Italiana
Crasi between the flags of the Swiss Confederation and the Italian Republic

The Conference “L’italofonia e il ruolo del servizio pubblico dei media” (Italophony and the role of the public media service) organized by CORSI, with the Forum per l’italiano in Svizzera, follows the publication of the report La posizione dell’Italiano in Svizzera: uno sguardo sul periodo 2012-2020 attraverso alcuni indicatori” (The position of Italian in Switzerland: a look at the period 2012-2020 through some indicators), commissioned by the Forum per l’italiano in Svizzera to the Linguistic Observatory of Italian-speaking Switzerland (OLSI) and to the Department of Formation and Learning (SUPSI-DFA) with the collaboration of the High pedagogical school of Grisons (PHGR) and intends to start from the results of this study.

The research, to which have worked Matteo Casoni (OLSI), Sabine Christopher (OLSI), Andrea Plata (SUPSI-DFA) and Maria Chiara Moskopf-Janner (PHGR), presents an analysis of the situation of Italian in the context of Swiss plurilingualism considering: the demographic and sociolinguistic aspect, the role of Italian as an official language, its position in teaching and its presence in the cultural sphere, with a chapter that also addresses the role and position of Italian in its media fruition.

These aspects cover the spheres of interest of the conference in St. Gallen and are discussed in four round tables:

  1. Swiss Plurilingualism – challenges and opportunities for Italian in Switzerland;
  2. The health of Italian: promotion and valorization in the public media service;
  3. Italian beyond the Alps: Expectations of professors and schools with regard to the public media service;
  4. Public service broadcasting for young people: what does RSI do for young people and what expectations does it meet?

Switzerland and Graubünden for the promotion of Italian and Romansh

The culture of Italian Grisons remains a… unique heritage

The conference in St. Gallen on May 7 is of great importance for German-speaking Switzerland, considering that Italian is the second language spoken in our city north of the Alps. The choice of St. Gallen as the venue for the conference is also a recognition of the relationship that has always existed over the centuries between the culture of the St. Gallen Abbey and Italy, as evidenced by the various studies conducted on the texts of the famous Abbey Library and by the existence of a chair of Italian studies at the University of St. Gallen since the foundation of the University itself.  Over the years, many students from Ticino have attended university in St. Gallen and continue to do so today. Understanding a second language means making it easier to understand the Other. In this way, Italian – the second language spoken in our region – becomes an element of social and national cohesion, making us open to diversity and curiosity for the Mediterranean world. The defense of Italian therefore also assumes the value of “health” of the Swiss national languages which, all together, are the Swiss characteristic of diversity in unity!

“A small nation of 8.8 million inhabitants and four national languages that convey an extreme cultural richness: it is on the basis of diversity that Swiss national cohesion develops. Multilingualism endures over time, even though it faces many challenges, but it requires constant commitment: it is our task to recognize the value of the linguistic and cultural heritage that we possess and to protect it, both at the legislative level through parliamentary activity and in everyday life, thanks to the citizens who enrich it”.

Tutti i luoghi della cultura italofona nel Grigionitaliano
All the places of Italophone culture in Grigionitaliano

Programma_7maggio2022_Convegno CORSI (In italian)

On the previous day, Friday, May 6, 2022, from 16.00 to 18.00 at the Kantonsschule am Burggraben in St. Gallen, CORSI and RSI are organizing a 2h workshop that includes practical activities that allow enrolled students to deal with new and old communication tools: particular attention is given to digital communication and fake news. More information and details.

Organizers with patronage and financial contribution

  • Forum for Italian in Switzerland
  • Canton of Grisons – Office for Culture
  • Republic and Canton of Ticino – Federal Aid for Italian Language and Culture
  • Canton of St. Gallen
  • Oertli Foundation
  • City of St. Gallen
  • Dante Alighieri St. Gallen
  • Dante Alighieri Zurich
  • Italian Chamber of Commerce for Switzerland


  • Embassy of Italy in Bern
  • Italian Social and Cultural Center and Honorary Consulate of St. Gallen
  • St.Gallen
  • Cantonal School Burggraben

The workshop, organized by CORSI and RSI (with the participation of Pablo Creti, resp. Digital Sector RSI) has a duration of 2h and includes practical activities that allow participants to confront themselves with new and old communication tools: particular attention is given to digital communication and fake news.Participants will be divided into two groups that will confront themselves on two projects.On the one hand will be proposed, by CORSI, the project Sarà vero? developed together with Consultati SA (a company based in Taverne that deals with design in the social, territorial and environmental fields), which aims to promote the importance of public service among young people, to raise awareness regarding the quality of information and to make them reflect on the origin of news in an era of technological change, thus encouraging a greater defense against fake news. On the other hand, RSI will propose to work on projects that Radiotelevisione svizzera di lingua italiana has developed for the new generations, such as SPAM (information, news and entertainment presented in short videos dedicated to young people).


The workshop is intended for upper secondary school and university students. The minimum number of participants is 30 (registration deadline for the workshop: April 4).

The following institutions have already confirmed their interest:

– Cantonal School am Burggraben of St. Gallen

– Cantonal School of Kreuzlingen- Teacher Training College of Chur

– Teacher Training College of St. Gallen

– Teacher Training College of Thurgau

