L'inquinamento atmosferico contribuisce al riscaldamento globale

CO2 law: for Switzerland and the cantons it must be done

In the run-up to the June 13 vote, Federal Councillor Simonetta Sommaruga explained why politicians have decided to support the Paris Agreement

Switzerland is particularly affected by climate change. The Federal Council and Parliament therefore want to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
With the revised CO2 Act, which is based on financial incentives, investments and new technologies, various measures have been taken in this regard.
“Both the population and the economy benefit from this,” said Simonetta Sommaruga, Head of DETEC, explaining the position of the Federal Council and Parliament.
“Thanks to the investments, we are strengthening climate protection while generating orders and creating jobs in our country.”
The new CO2 law will be submitted to a popular vote on June 13.
Due to climate change, temperatures are rising in all parts of the world. The phenomenon leads to more frequent heat waves and droughts.

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Warmer winters also lead to increased precipitation, debris flows and landslides. This also increases the risk of destruction of roads, railway lines and buildings.
As an alpine country, Switzerland is particularly affected by climate change: the increase in temperature in our country is twice as high as the global average.
The Federal Council and Parliament therefore intend to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions and, to this end, have revised the CO2 Act. A referendum has been called against this revision.
With the revised law, the Federal Council and Parliament intend to halve Switzerland’s greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990.
This corresponds to the climate targets on which 189 states, including Switzerland, have agreed by signing the Paris Agreement.
Switzerland is thus following the recommendations of the scientific community.

I tornado sono tra i più violenti fenomeni atmosferici
Tornadoes are among the most violent atmospheric phenomena

“Jobs with a future” through sustainability.

The revised CO2 law continues to focus on a combination of financial incentives, investments and new technologies. The measures, however, will be strengthened.
The incentive fees set out in the new CO2 Act will make it worthwhile to adopt climate-friendly behaviour. Investments in buildings and infrastructure will be supported and innovative companies will be strengthened.
This will enable buildings to be renovated in an environmentally friendly manner, charging stations for electric vehicles to be built, electric buses to be purchased for public transport and district heating networks to be financed.
The law will also help mountain regions, cities and municipalities to mitigate the consequences of climate change. Vehicles with reduced gasoline and diesel consumption will be available on the market, which will lead to lower fuel expenses.

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The law is socially appropriate. The taxes, in fact, will be largely refunded to the population. The amount refunded will be equal for everyone, including children, what will benefit families in particular.
We must act decisively in favour of climate protection and take the necessary decisions,” said Federal Councillor Sommaruga in Bern.
Otherwise, climate change will affect future generations to an even greater extent.
Over the past 10 years, Switzerland has spent about 80 billion francs on importing oil and natural gas, all money flowing abroad.
With the revised CO2 Act, we are reducing our dependence on foreign oil companies and investing more money in our country,” said Simonetta Sommaruga.
Both the population and the economy benefit from this. Thanks to targeted investments, we are strengthening climate protection measures and creating jobs with a future. This is particularly important in these times.

La gigantesca e solitaria figura di un orso polare.
The gigantic and lonely figure of a polar bear.

States are on the side of reducing emissions

The CO2 Act will give a boost to the cantons’ efforts to reduce CO2 emissions from buildings,” Mario Cavigelli, President of the Conference of Cantonal Energy Directors (EnDK), Head of the Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Mobility and President of the Graubünden cantonal government, told the media.
The cantons have already done a lot in this area in the past few years, but the CO2 law provides even more planning security and investment incentives.

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The common goal of the Confederation and cantons is to increase energy efficiency and make heat production renewable.”
Mario Cavigelli pointed out that the CO2 Act also represents an opportunity for companies and research institutes. The measures taken in this area generate important impulses, thus strengthening the competitiveness of companies and institutes.
As a representative of a mountainous canton, the Graubünden government councillor also attaches great importance to protecting the Alpine region from climate change.

CO2 è il simbolo chimico dell'anidride carbonica
CO2 is the chemical symbol for carbon dioxide

Broad cross-party consensus from cities and associations

Federal Council and Parliament recommend acceptance of the new CO2 law on June 13.

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The revision of the law is also supported by the cantons, the Union of Swiss Cities and the Association of Swiss Municipalities as well as by most political parties, environmental organizations, the mobility associations Touring Club Schweiz (TCS) and the Association of Traffic and Environment (ATA), as well as numerous economic associations (including Economiesuisse, the Swiss Bankers Association, Swissmem, ConstructionSchweiz and the Swiss Association of Building Contractors).

Gli occhi della terra sembrano implorare l'uomo
The eyes of the earth seem to implore man