Change of direction at the Federal Office of Sport

From this April, in view of a management renewal, the former Head of Sport Policy and Resources Sandra Felix, will lead the FOSPO

Sandra Felix Direttrice Supplente dell'Ufficio Federale dello Sport e Capo del Settore Politica dello Sport e Risorse
Sandra Felix Deputy Director of the Federal Office of Sport and Head of the Sports Policy and Resources Division

Sandra Felix, will represent the Director of the Federal Office of Sport in the management and further development of the departmental area and will simultaneously lead, as up to now, the area Sports Policy and Resources.

In 1997, Sandra Felix graduated from the University of Applied Sciences as a UAS Business Economist. She subsequently completed further training in the areas of quality management and “technique for economists”.

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She has gathered professional experience in managerial and executive functions in the construction and mechanical engineering industry and, since 2005, in public administration, first for six years in the Finance Department of the Canton of Graubünden and then, for another six years, as secretary of the Department of Public Economy and Social Affairs of the Canton of Graubünden.

Since September 2018, Sandra Felix has headed the Sport Policy and Resources sector and is Deputy Director of the FOSPO. In her new position as Deputy Director, which she will hold from April 2021, she will replace Walter Mengisen, who retired on August 31, 2020.

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