Fürstentum Liechtenstein Image by Elias from Pixabay

Liechtenstein celebrates its National Day

August 15, which officially coincides with the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, is a significant holiday deeply rooted in the country's…

Swiss Alphorn players - Swiss National Day August 1st Interlaken Namrood, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

August 1st Switzerland in Feast

Ogni 1° agosto, la Svizzera celebra la sua Festa Nazionale, un'importante commemorazione della nascita della Confederazione, avvenuta nel…

February 29 Image by Sanu N, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The charm of leap year between myth and reality

Every four years, our calendar reserves a special and unique day for us: February 29th. This occurrence is known as leap year, a practice…

Il carro di un birrificio sfila alla cerimonia di inaugurazione Bild von David Mark auf Pixabay

It’s Oktoberfest time

Oktoberfest (d'Wiesn in Bavarian dialect) is the world's largest folk festival held annually between mid-September and early October since…

Flughafen Zürich Photo by (C) Flughafen Zürich AG

The 75th anniversary celebration of Zurich Airport

77 years ago, on May 5, 1946, Zurich voters overwhelmingly said "yes" to the loan to build the current airport, thus laying the foundation…

Premio internazionale Donne d'amore

Two awards for Zaira Sellerio

La scrittrice, residente in Svizzera ma di origini di siciliane, è stata premiata al "premio internazionale Donne d'Amore" per il romanzo…

Maximumkarte mit Einzelbriefmare (Sujet Liechtenstein) Image by zollvertrag.li

100 Years of Switzerland-Liechtenstein Customs Treaty

On March 29, 1923, Liechtenstein and Switzerland signed the treaty to include the Principality of Liechtenstein into the Swiss customs…

Job meeting Image by Ronald Carreño from Pixabay

Certified IFRS 17 Insurance Financial Analyst

IFRS 17 is a revolution in the way (re)insurance financial statements are perceived and interpreted. The IFRS 17 course is intended for…

Fasnacht Bild von annca auf Pixabay

History and traditions of the Swiss Carnival

Carnival is celebrated in many different ways: carnival parades, music, masks and dressing up play an important role.


Fitce 2023 and promotion of the Italian products in the United States

The free online event, to be held on January 25, 2023 at 3 p.m. aims to promote the Florida market and the importance of the Florida…

Copacabana New_Year_Fireworks Porto Bay Hotels & Resorts, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

New Year’s Eve history and traditions

The end of the year is approaching and it is a time for balance sheets and reflections but also for hopes, wishes, and expectations in the…

Scorcio del Mercatino di Natale di Einsiedeln - Svizzera - Image by Chris Sche-Bo

Christmas markets

Christmas came with the pre-Christmas season, and with it came the famous Christmas markets, which originated in German-speaking countries,…

BERGUEN, 29OKT22 - Flugaufnahme vom Weltrekordversuch mit dem laengsten Reisezug auf der UNESCO Welterbestrecke der Albula-Linie am 29. Oktober 2022 auf dem Landwasserviadukt in Filisur in Graubuenden (Schweiz). <br><br> swiss-image.ch/Philipp Schmidli <br><br>BERGUEN, 29OCT22 - Aerial photo of the world record attempt with the longest passenger train on the UNESCO World Heritage route 'Albula' on October 29, 2022 in Beguen in Graubuenden/Switzerland. © PHILIPP SCHMIDLI

World record for the Rhaetian Railway with the “world’s longest train”

On Oct. 29, 2022, the Rhaetian Railway (RhB) brought the world's longest narrow-gauge passenger train on the UNESCO World Heritage route…

Cambio orario Photo by PIRO on Pixabay

Standard time returns: hands back 60 minutes

Next Sunday, Oct. 30, standard time returns: at 03:00 Sunday night the clocks will be moved back one hour, to 02:00.

Crasi fra le bandiere della Confederazione Svizzera e della Repubblica Italiana

Sixth Forum for Dialogue between Switzerland and Italy in Zurich

The event took place on October 21 and 22, 2022 at the Pädagogische Hochschule in Zurich, a meeting platform attended by high-level…