L’autunno del mio tempo, la primavera del tuo

Ascolta il tempo
Ascolta il battito del tuo cuore
Come un ticchettio dell’orologio cammina inevitabilmente senza fermarsi.
Tu bambino… giovane e poi…. e poi
non basta più il tempo.
Il tempo passa veloce nella tua vita…troverai dei sassi
cavalcherai l`onda dell’amore
ma se un giorno il cielo diventa scuro
e si avvicinerà la tempesta.
Tu guarda oltre sopra le nuvole
dove il sole splende sempre
e il tempo…
ridi piangi… o gioisci
ore mesi , anni..
Lui non guarda nessuno…
minuto… dopo minuto.
Cammina per la sua strada passa nella tua vita e poi in silenzio se ne va.
Quindi non sprecare il tuo tempo…
Tu che sei giovane e forte…
Guardami… cadono le foglie portate dal vento l’autunno della vita per me sta arrivando.

Io non ho il tuo tempo.


Zaira Sellerio

The autumn of my time, the spring of yours

Listen to the time
Listen to the beat of your heart
Like a ticking clock walks inevitably without stopping.
You child … young and then…. and then
time is no longer enough.
Time passes quickly in your life…you will find stones
You will ride the wave of love
but if one day the sky turns dark
and the storm will approach.
You look beyond above the clouds
Where the sun always shines
And the weather…
Laugh weep… or rejoice
Hours months, years…
He looks at no one
Minute… after minute.
He walks on his way passes through your life and then silently leaves.
So don’t waste your time….
You who are young and strong…
Look at me… fall the leaves carried by the wind the autumn of life for me is coming.

I don’t have your time.


Zaira Sellerio

Time and dreams flying into the future Image by beasternchen from Pixabay
Time and dreams flying into the future Image by beasternchen from Pixabay


The poem, dedicated by a grandmother to her grandson, is a profound reflection on the passage of time and the cycle of life. With a series of powerful metaphors, such as the ticking of the clock and the falling leaves in autumn, the grandmother expresses her awareness of the approaching end of her life, while affectionately observing her grandson’s youth and strength.

Autumn, symbolising the advanced stage of life, is contrasted with the grandson’s vitality, reminding him not to waste the time he has. The advice to ‘look beyond the clouds’, even in difficult times, suggests to always find hope and light, which, according to the grandmother, are always present despite the storms.

The melancholic and sweet tone at the same time reflects the love and wisdom of one who, having lived a long time, wishes to pass on valuable lessons to those whose lives are still ahead of them. The image of time passing, indifferent to everything, represents the fleeting nature of life, but also the importance of living it to the full.

E là incontrai mia Madre

“Il coraggio è femmina” by Zaira Sellerio to be released in September

Grandparents’ Day

Grandparents’ Day has its origins in the United States, where it was officially established in 1978 by President Jimmy Carter. This celebration highlights the importance of grandparents in the lives of families and communities and pays tribute to their fundamental role as transmitters of values, wisdom and affection.

Grandparents’ Day is celebrated on different dates depending on the country:

United States: celebrated on the first Sunday in September after Labor Day.

France: celebrated on 26 July, in honour of Saints Joachim and Anne, the grandparents of Jesus.

Germany: since 2010, it is celebrated on the second Sunday in October.

Italy: Grandparents’ Day was officially established in 2005, celebrated on 2 October to coincide with the Feast of the Guardian Angels.

Poland: Grandmother’s Day falls on 21 January and Grandfather’s Day on 22 January.

Spain, Portugal and Latin America: celebrated on 26 July, coinciding with the religious feast of Jesus’ grandparents.

Mexico, Grandparents’ Day is celebrated on 28 August, a separate date from other Latin American countries, but still dedicated to honouring the importance of grandparents in society.

Japan: there is no specific holiday, but the elderly are honoured during the Day of Respect for the Elderly (Keiro no Hi), which is celebrated on the third Monday in September.

Some awards for her works:

• Concorso AI TUOI PIEDI, Premio Città di Mercogliano, (AV) per la poesia “E là incontrai mia Madre” 8 Settembre 2024;

• Premio Internazionale Donne D’Amore 2023 – 1 . premio sezione poesia Roma, maggio 2023

• X. Premio Internazionale Navarro “Narrativa Edita”,  Sambuca di Sicilia – Borgo dei Borghi maggio 2018.

• Finalista nella rassegna di testi d’antologia, dedicata a Massimo Troisi, giugno 2015.

• Premio Letterario Internazionale sezione Europa, Lugano (Svizzera), Maggio 2014.

• PREMIO UNA VITA PER LA CULTURA “Galleria Salotto dell’arte ROMA” Aprile 2012

• I PREMIO DI POESIA galleria “Il salotto dell’arte ROMA 22 Marzo 2009

• Premio UNA VITA PER LA CULTURA 2009, Roma, Maggio 2009

• ALIAS (Accademia Letteratura Italo Australia Scrittori, con la collaborazione c.r.a.s.e.s di Palermo, Concorso Letterario Internazionale III Premio ex aequo di poesia, 10 ottobre 2003

• Concorso internazionale artistico-letterario, Antonio de Curtis “Totò”, Roma 22 ottobre 2002

• Il premio di poesia inedita, quinta edizione premio / l’attualità – Bartolucci diploma di finalista, 27 ottobre 2001

• Targa per il premio di narrativa; concorso internazionale “Pelosa” Messina Novembre 2000

• Targa di poesia Ottobre 2000 della Provincia di Roma • Concorso internazionale “Antonio de Curtis” Roma

• Premio nazionale di poesia “Arturo Massimi” Ottobre 1999, Mentana Roma;

• Premio Poeti e società delegazione della Svizzera Tedesca (concorso internazionale, menzione di merito)

• Premio Internazionale di Poesia Dialettale “Radici Poetiche”