Earth - night view Photo by WikiImages on Pixabay

Post-globalization: The West’s strategy options

Post-globalization: The West’s strategy options After three decades of openness…

blockchain Photo by Mohamed Hassan on Pixabay

The future of cryptocurrencies

The future of cryptocurrencies With the most popular cryptocurrency Bitcoin…

Un bus elettrico Photo by Esa Niemelä on Pixabay

Can electric vehicles deliver a just energy transition?

Can electric vehicles deliver a just energy transition? The growing EV sector…

euro sculpture in Frankfurt Photo by Hans Braxmeier on Pixabay

Policymakers are mishandling the eurozone’s inflation

Policymakers are mishandling the eurozone’s inflation ECB officials and…

La pianura di Serengeti in Tanzania Photo by Michelle Raponi on Pixabay

East Africa’s natural gas outlook

East Africa’s natural gas outlook LNG production can be a boon to East African…

NATO map 2022 JayCoop (derivative), CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Austrian neutrality after the invasion of Ukraine

Austrian neutrality after the invasion of Ukraine While the invasion of Ukraine…

Johan Sverdrup field Photo by Daniel Ashby & Anders Håheim © Equinor

Will Norway turn the energy crisis into opportunity?

Will Norway turn the energy crisis into opportunity? Norway has the potential…

ricerca su google Photo by Firmbee on Pixabay

The value of data

The value of data In a digital economy, data can be costly to acquire and…

Imprenditorialità Photo by Gerd Altmann on Pixabay

How small Swiss firms keep innovating

How small Swiss firms keep innovating Switzerland’s edge in innovation largely…

Fornitura di Gas Photo by Gerd Altmann on Pixabay

North Africa’s natural gas: No panacea for the EU

North Africa’s natural gas: No panacea for the EU Algeria, Egypt and Israel can…

Dollari in bitcoin Photo by Gerd Altmann on Pixabay

Borderless money in a hot, flat and crowded world

Borderless money in a hot, flat and crowded world Countries are beginning to…

deadline - debt increase Photo by Gerd Altmann on Pixabay

The euro area could be at risk of a new sovereign debt crisis

The euro area could be at risk of a new sovereign debt crisis The eurozone’s…

Europe inflation Photo by Gerd Altmann on Pixabay

Inflation: Causes and consequences

Inflation: Causes and consequences GIS has long warned that inflation was…

Artificial Intelligence Foto di Tung Nguyen da Pixabay

Artificial Intelligence: Prediction revolution

Artificial Intelligence: Prediction revolution AI-based prediction is a boon to…

Pump-jack mining crude oil with the sunset Photo by Zbynek Burival on Unsplash

Peak oil demand will change global market dynamics

Peak oil demand will change global market dynamics Except for the recent dip in…

EU: Like Switzerland or more like Italy?

The EU’s future: Like Switzerland or more like Italy?

The EU’s future: Like Switzerland or more like Italy? The drive to transfer…