Reclute dell'esercito svizzero dotate di mascherine

Army regulates use of expiring medical supplies

In agreement with its public health partners, Armée Suisse will sell medicines and other medical aids at greatly reduced prices to help the population

Since the end of March 2020, in accordance with the directives of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), the army has been purchasing medical supplies for the benefit of Swiss public health.
As this material was not needed in the large quantities expected, some of it is approaching its expiry date.
Now the army, in consultation with its partners in public health and administration, intends to sell it at greatly reduced prices.

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In this way the purchased material will be used for the benefit of the population.
In the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, the Army Pharmacy purchased important medical supplies in accordance with FOPH regulations last year.
Consumption by the Swiss public health service has been lower than originally feared, so that by the end of 2022 especially some batches of hygiene masks, FFP2/FFP3 and disinfectants will reach their expiry date.

Un gruppo di maschere antigas dell'Armée Suisse
A group of gas masks of the Armée Suisse

Anti-COVID masks will not have to be eliminated

As announced at the Army Pharmacy media conference on February 11, masks will not have to be eliminated to the extent possible.
The Army, in close consultation with its partners in public health and administration, has decided that some of the material should be sold at greatly reduced prices.
Therefore, the Army Pharmacy will initiate direct federal marketing in accordance with Article 17 of Ordinance 3 COVID-19. The sale will be directed exclusively to cantons, municipalities, and health care institutions.

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Army Pharmacy has recently sent a corresponding offer to the cantons and municipalities via the Association of Swiss Municipalities.
The health care institutions receive the information via the municipalities and/or the cantonal associations of the sectors concerned (H+, CURAVIVA, home care and nursing services).
The medical material offered may only be purchased for own use. Resale is excluded.
Masks will be delivered free of charge on request to Swiss relief organizations.

Soldato dell'esercito svizzero dotato di mascherina
Swiss Army soldier wearing a mask