Referendum e iniziative al vaglio in Svizzera

Aargau, Geneva and Ticino in the foreign test on voting by mail

For the June 13 ballot, the 1,600 residents of Australia, Brazil and Thailand will receive half of their ballots from their homeland and half from their diplomatic missions

For the popular vote on June 13, 2021, the Swiss Confederation and three cantons will conduct a survey on the delivery of voting materials and voting abroad.
The survey will cover Swiss citizens living in Australia, Brazil and Thailand and exercising their right to vote in the three cantons concerned.
Half of the voters affected by the survey will receive their voting material by post as usual; the other half will receive it on a trial basis through the Swiss representation in their country of residence, as is the case in Italy for example.

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Il popolo e i Cantoni svizzeri hanno il pieno controllo del loro Paese
The Swiss people and cantons have full control of their country

Acceptance of “Postulate 20.4348 Silberschmidt”

On March 19, 2021, the National Council accepted the “Postulate 20.4348 Silberschmidt”, which calls on the Federal Council to examine in a pilot project whether it would be possible to simplify the dispatch and delivery of voting materials to the Swiss abroad.
At present, due to delays in international postal traffic, it is not always and everywhere certain that those entitled to vote abroad will receive their voting material in time to vote.
In fulfillment of the postulate, on the occasion of the popular vote on June 13, 2021, the Federal Chancellery will carry out in collaboration with the Consular Directorate of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) therefore a digital survey among about 1600 Swiss living in Australia, Brazil and Thailand, whose voting commune is located in the cantons of Aargau, Ticino and Geneva and who are registered in the corresponding electoral catalogs.
These eligible voters will be asked when they received their voting materials and when they voted.
The cantons will also note when these votes cast abroad were received in the voting commune.
No indication of voting behavior will, of course, be gleaned from the survey results.

Bandiera del Cantone Argovia
Flag of Canton Aargau
Bandiera del Cantone Ginevra
Flag of Canton Geneva
Bandiera del Cantone Ticino
Flag of Canton Ticino










Significant changes in the current envelope logistics

For the survey, the current logistics for sending envelopes will be changed.
Half of the voters affected by the survey will receive their voting material by post as before, i.e. by being sent abroad by Swiss Post and delivered by local postal services.
The other half will receive the voting material on an experimental basis via the Swiss representations in their country of residence, i.e. by sending it to the relevant diplomatic representation by diplomatic courier and subsequent delivery by local post.
A comparison of the two methods of dispatch will provide information on the effectiveness and costs of the alternative dispatch.
As hitherto, eligible voters will mail the voting envelope directly to their voting municipality.
The process followed in this pilot project can be carried out on the basis of existing legal bases.
The costs of the pilot project will be borne by the Confederation.

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Referendum e iniziative al vaglio in Svizzera

Referendums and initiatives under consideration in Switzerland