Annual Corporate card 

Application form

The Corporate Card entitles you to receive a numbered nominative plastic card that allows access to the following services offered by our sponsors and partner companies

Enrollment Methods

To become a member it is necessary to fill out the form below for the application for membership and provide to make a transfer for the sum of 179.00 CHF by bank transfer to the coordinates shown on the side with the reason: “Corporate Card“. Once the bank transfer has been received, the Swiss Federalism Association will send the membership card to the member’s address.

To pay

You can pay your “Corporate Card” by bank transfer using the bank details below

Bank Linth LLB AG – Zürcherstrasse 3 Postfach 8730 Uznach (Switzerland)

IBAN: CH15 0873 1557 4858 1200 1

Clearing: 8731


Account number: 5574.8581.2001

Account holder: Swiss Federalism 8737 Gommiswald

    Other enrollment data


    Are you registered in AIRE? (only for italian citizens)

    Company data

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