Zaira Sellerio wins another award with her poetry

The author won an award at the International Poetry and Art Competition ‘At your feet’ in Mercogliano (AV) for her poem ‘And there I met my Mother’. confirming her talent in dealing with themes of faith and love

Zaira Sellerio con Lucia Gaeta, Presidente e fondatrice del concorso "AI TUOI PIEDI" e l'Avv. Vittorio D'Alessio Sindaco di Mercogliano (AV)
Zaira Sellerio with Lucia Gaeta, president of ACIPeA (Italian Cultural Association of Poets and Artists) and Avv. Vittorio D’Alessio Mayor of Mercogliano (AV) Image by Zaira Sellerio

Zaira Sellerio won a new prestigious award for her poem ‘E là incontrai mia Madre’, which was awarded on 8 September 2024 at the poetry competition ‘Ai tuoi piedi’ (At your feet) in Mercogliano, Avellino. This competition, dedicated to the Madonna of Montevergine, celebrates works inspired by Marian devotion. With this touching composition, Sellerio confirms himself as a poetic voice of great sensitivity, capable of exploring universal themes such as faith, motherhood and divine love.

Zaira Sellerio con il premio ricevuto al Concorso AI TUOI PIEDI
Zaira Sellerio proudly displays the prize she received at the AI TUOI PIEDI (AT YOUR FEET) competition Image by Zaira Sellerio

E là incontrai mia Madre

Su una sedia dell’ospedale mi sentii chiamare.

Figlia mia,

perché vuoi porre fine a una vita?

Alzai gli occhi lacrimanti e tristi.

Lui è andato via

e io sono sola a combattere questa vita che vuole nascere.

Tu non sei sola,

Dio è misericordioso.

Non peccare …

ogni vita è preziosa per Lui.

Lui ti aiuterà

come un giorno ha aiutato me che ho partorito in una capanna.

Scusa ma tu chi sei?

Sono la Madre di tutte le madri e ti avvolgo nel mio velo bianco.

Madonna mia Santa !

Si figlia … sono io.

Zaira Sellerio


And there I met my Mother

On a hospital chair I heard myself called.

My daughter

Why do you want to end a life?

I raised my tearful and sad eyes.

He is gone

And I am alone to fight this life that wants to be born.

You are not alone,

God is merciful.

Do not sin…

every life is precious to Him.

He will help you

as he helped me one day when I gave birth in a hut.

Excuse me, but who are you?

I am the Mother of all mothers and I wrap you in my white veil.

Holy Virgin!

Yes daughter… it is I.

Zaira Sellerio


Poem for the ‘AI TUOI PIEDI’ Award in Mercogliano, Avellino

The poem ‘E là incontrai mia Madre’ (And there I met my Mother) is a touching reflection on life, motherhood and divine mercy, written for the ‘AI TUOI PIEDI’ (At Your Feet) award dedicated to the Madonna of Montevergine. This composition, with its deep sensitivity and emotional strength, explores the dialogue between a woman in difficulty and the sacred figure of the Mother of all mothers.

Themes and Images

The poem opens with a powerful image: a woman, sitting on a hospital chair, feels called by the mother figure, a symbol of comfort and guidance. The opening words express the inner drama of the protagonist, who struggles with pain and loneliness as she faces a difficult decision. The comparison between the life that is about to be born and the loss of a loved one creates an atmosphere of intense reflection and anguish.

The Sacred Presence

The appearance of the Mother of all mothers, wrapped in her white veil, represents a moment of revelation and hope. This maternal figure not only comforts the protagonist, but also connects her to a tradition of sacredness and mercy, reminding her that every life is precious in the eyes of God. The dialogue between the woman and Our Lady emphasises the constant presence and divine support in moments of crisis.

Meaning and Message

The poem highlights the value of life and divine compassion, offering a message of hope and salvation. The Mother of all mothers becomes a symbol of strength and guidance, capable of instilling courage and reassurance in a time of vulnerability. The work highlights how faith and spirituality can offer relief and meaning in the darkest of times.

Zaira Sellerio, with her sensitivity and poetic skill, has created a work that not only honours the ‘AT YOUR FEET’ award, but also enriches the reader with a message of hope and divine love.

Il coraggio è femmina” by Zaira Sellerio to be released in September

The Special Guests

The special guests of the evening were the Monaghan Duo, consisting of Maestro Verdiana Leone on harp and Maestro Ivan Barbone, multi-instrumentalist and singer. Further enriching the event was the extraordinary participation of tenor Maestro Antonio Criscuolo.

La cerimonia di premiazione del Concorso "AI TUOI PIEDI"
A moment of the award ceremony of the competition ‘AT YOUR FEET’ at the Loreto Abbey Palace in Mercogliano (AV) Image by Zaira Sellerio
il Monaghan Duo, formato dal Maestro Verdiana Leone all’arpa e dal Maestro Ivan Barbone, polistrumentista e cantante
The Monaghan Duo, formed by Maestro Verdiana Leone on harp and Maestro Ivan Barbone, multi-instrumentalist and singer Image by Zaira Sellerio
Il tenore Maestro Antonio Criscuolo
The tenor Maestro Antonio Criscuolo Image by Zaira Sellerio