La copertina della tesi di laurea

Differentiated regionalism? A compelling dissertation

On sale (in Italian) on “Swiss Federalism” the book that, in a clear and precise way, illustrates fiscal federalism and the opportunity for regional autonomy

Fiscal federalism and differentiated regionalism are certainly two of the most topical and discussed issues in today’s political landscape, after a long and exhausting period in which these topics seemed to have fallen into oblivion (to the detriment of some regions rather than others…).

In fact, under the impetus of the Recovery Plan, by March 31, 2026, “only” seventeen years after Delegated Law 42/2009, which dictated the principles of the new federal tax system, starting with the overcoming of the system of derivative finance based on the criterion of historical expenditure (which still rewards with more resources those who traditionally have and spend more) in favor of greater autonomy of revenue and expenditure for decentralized entities, the architecture of fiscal federalism for ordinary statute regions and provinces and metropolitan cities must be brought to completion (finally).

Francesco La Galia‘s book/thesis aimed to carry out, in black and white, an in-depth and up-to-date analysis of the issue in relation to the peculiar characteristics of fiscal federalism and differentiated regionalism in Italy (making use of first and second generation economic theories, such as the Oates theorem, the Tiebout conjecture, the Buchanan model the Leviathan theory, Yardstick Competition, Laboratory Federalism, and as many non-economic theses, for and against) and their economic and social impact on the North-South divide, in order to provide the reader with an overview of this phenomenon and to be able to conduct a critical reading, allowing him to build his own position on the issue.

That Italian Confederation born and buried in Zurich
One hundred and sixty years of Italy, not even one of federalism…



Regioni a statuto ordinario e speciale
Ordinary and special statute regions

Preliminary agreement between the Government and the Emilia-Romagna Region (in Italian)
Preliminary agreement between the Government and the Lombardy Region (in Italian)
Preliminary agreement between the Government and the Veneto Region (in Italian)

Regioni a statuto ordinario e speciale
Ordinary and special statute regions

Italy, because differentiated autonomy “is” the Constitution
Italy, the legitimate implementation of differentiated autonomy

The objective of the paper is to provide a clear vision of the subject and to understand (by displaying appropriate data supports and numerical parameters) the evident limits (normative-constitutional and “technical”) that this phenomenon has had over time and what could be the possible future scenarios and the possible solutions to follow.

Therefore, starting from an initial generic study of the subject, a central study is subsequently conducted on concepts such as, for example, the residual tax, the failure to define the LEP (the so-called “Essential Levels of Performance”), the centrality of Articles 116, 117, 119 and 120 of the Constitution of the Republic in terms of differentiated regionalism and their effect on the (further) growth of the gap between northern and southern Italy.

Thanks to an extremely high quality bibliography and the latest studies on the subject, the thesis/book by Francesco La Galia, whose studies on the subject have been completed at the University of Messina and the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan, includes all the elements needed to provide the reader, regardless of his level of preparation on the subject, with the possibility of constructing a critical thought on these phenomena.

Whoever is interested in understanding more closely in a clear, linear and detailed way these apparently difficult issues, can purchase the volume published in the magazine “Swiss Federalism” at the following link:

Il Federalismo Fiscale e il Regionalismo differenziato: il divario nord-sud

La copertina della tesi di laurea "Il federalismo fiscale e il regionalismo differenziato: il divario nord-sud
The cover of the thesis “Fiscal federalism and differentiated regionalism: the north-south divide