Il pubblico intervenuto alla cerimonia conclusiva del Premio PMI e Start Up Innovative il 18 settembre 2021 a Zurigo

Innovative SME/Start Up Award: the party is here (in Zurich)!

With a beautiful evening on the banks of the Limmat and the exploit of health tech companies, the first edition of the “Swiss Federalism” competition came to an end

On a beautiful and sunny late afternoon in mid-September, in a beautiful villa surrounded by a park of ancient trees, home of the Liceo Artistico Italo-Svizzero in the center of quiet and industrious Zurich, the final phase of the International Award for Innovative Start-Ups and SMEs “Swiss Federalism & GCBL, Milton Friedman” was held.
Welcomed by the Italian, Zurich and Swiss flags at the entrance, the organizers, the finalists and the audience experienced a stimulating event, enriched by the presence of the Consul General of Italy in the city, Gabriele Altana, who introduced the future of business in the Farnesina institutions around the world, and honored the event by closing remarks.

Innovative Start Up/PMI 2021 Award: the greetings of the jury

Andrea Schenone, presidente dell'associazione Swiss Federalism, durante la preparazione della cerimonia conclusiva del Premio Start Up e PMI innovative
Andrea Schenone, president of the Swiss Federalism association, during the preparation of the final ceremony of the Innovative Start Up and SME Award

Andrea Schenone and the balance of a growing association

Andrea Schenone did the honors presenting the international recognition and the organizing association Swiss Federalism, of which he is president and founder.
He underlined the significant recent growth, which has occurred both with the magazine in four languages, read worldwide, and with the connected international business platform.
The magazine Swiss Federalism is increasingly the reference for federalists and lovers of the Swiss system internationally, while the business platform increasingly links the global business world to the Swiss Confederation.
The international award has also generated considerable interest internationally and an important response at the level of Start-Ups and innovative Small and Medium Enterprises.

Innovative Start Up/SME Award: “where” and “how” to attend
The jury of the Start Up/SME Innovative Award has been unveiled
Innovative Start Up/SME Award event also in attendance

The authoritative words of Alessandro Bertoldi and Dejan Štancer

After Andrea Schenone, Alessandro Bertoldi, president of the Milton Friedman Institute, spoke about the link between his influential liberal organization and Swiss Federalism, a fruitful collaboration consolidated by the sharing of the same principles, which has brought academics and professionals of the highest value to the prize jury.
Dejan Štancer, President of the prestigious Global Chamber of Business Leaders, in a recorded video, explained the strategic partnership with Swiss Federalism and talked about the global objectives of GCBL, global ethical business with a focus on global warming and youth and start-up entrepreneurship.
A video was presented to all members of the jury who did an extraordinary job of analyzing all the business plans received. The work and the selection made by the highly qualified jury is the first major guarantee in the hands of the venture capital fund that will invest in the finalists.
The evening then continued with the ranking from 17th to first place. Each finalist company presented its project, using a video of the regulatory duration of minutes or a pdf or ppt presentation. There was no shortage of suspense and excitement.

Video, the presentation of the “Innovative Start Up/SME Award”
The “Innovative Start Up/SME Award” on TV from Montecitorio
A real prize to help “innovative” Start-Ups and SMEs

Il Console Generale di Zurigo Min. Gabriele ALTANA
The Italian General Consul in Zurich Min. Gabriele ALTANA
I riconoscimenti del Premio Start Up e PMI innovative attribuiti il 18 settembre 2021 a Zurigo
Innovative Start Up and SME awards presented on September 18, 2021 in Zurich

IAQ ASE (Ticino) and Quec Phisis (Veneto) are… healthy and successful

This is the final ranking: in the first 3 places health tech and cyber security companies. The first two companies, operating in the field of digitalization and health, have detached the others in an important way.

RANK COMPANY                SECTOR                        COUNTRY                 REGION                            SCORE

1. IAQ ASE                        Health tech                   Switzerland                 Ticino                                  828
2. QUEC PHiSIS                Health tech                         Italy                      Veneto                                  824
3. bitCorp                      Cyber Security                        Italy                   Lombardia                              733
4. WeShort                      Media Tech                            Italy                      Puglia                                  718
5. Event Boost                 Event tech                        Switzerland               Ticino                                   708
6. Cell Wellbeing           Health tech                            Italy                      Liguria                                 707
7. Wise Invex                     Fintech                               Malta                 La Valletta                              702
8. Aloe is life srl             Agri Tech                               Italy                    Sardegna                               686
9. Seqex                          Health tech                           Italy               Trentino-Alto Adige                   682
10. ImprendiSwiss    Consulting & Fiduciary        Switzerland     Appenzell Outer Rhodes              663
11. MNEM                    Spin off / Health                    Italy                Emilia-Romagna                        651
12. Bafunno Mechanics    Music Tech                     Switzeland              Ticino                                    624
13. Harvest srl                  Media tech                         Italy                    Abruzzo                                 620
14. LMG racing lab          Sport tech                       Switzerland             Ticino                                    573
15. Sapori del duca         Food tech                            Italy                     Marche                                   517
16. VC Consulting            Fintech                           Switzerland             Ticino                                     517
17. CCG Coeptis      Management Consulting             USA                     Idaho                                     479

Mauro Damian, CEO di IAQ ASE, azienda vincitrice del Premio Start Up e PMI Innovative, con il figlio il 18 settembre a Zurigo
Mauro Damian, CEO of IAQ ASE, winner of the Start Up and Innovative SME Award, with his son on September 18 in Zurich
Andrea Trevisan, CEO di Quec Physis, durante la cerimonia conclusiva del Premio Start Up e PMI Innovative il 18 settembre a Zurigo
Andrea Trevisan, CEO of Quec Physis, during the closing ceremony of the Start Up and Innovative SME Award on September 18 in Zurich
Christian Persurich, CEO di bitcorp, durante la cerimonia conclusiva del Premio Start Up e PMI Innovative il 18 settembre a Zurigo
Christian Persurich, CEO of bitcorp, during the closing ceremony of the Innovative Start Up and SME Awards on September 18 in Zurich
Alessandro Loprieno, CEO di WeShort, durante la cerimonia conclusiva del Premio Start Up e PMI Innovative il 18 settembre a Zurigo
Alessandro Loprieno, CEO of WeShort, during the closing ceremony of the Start Up and Innovative SME Award on September 18 in Zurich

Andrea Schenone, president of the Swiss Federalism association, said at the end of the event: “Seeing the first prize winners moved is a first gratification for me, for all of us and for those who have worked so hard for the success of the event and the initiative. It will be even more gratifying to see the exponential growth of the project in the coming years of these companies that have passed the filter phase and the qualified jury, helped by venture capital funds: this will be the figure of the real success of this great event. In the coming weeks, the magazine will host interviews with all the finalists, which we will publish and unveil one by one over time, over several weeks, leaving a bit of suspense as during the evening of the event in the city on the banks of the Limmat. Stay tuned…”.

Il pubblico intervenuto alla cerimonia conclusiva del Premio PMI e Start Up Innovative il 18 settembre 2021 a Zurigo
The audience attending the closing ceremony of the SME and Innovative Start Up Awards on September 18, 2021 in Zurich